Readable Names Readable Names

Readable Names

Created by: Anatol Broder

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin asks commenters to write their names in the language that your blog uses. Using readable names written in your blog’s native language will enhance the discussion. Strangers who want to leave comments on your blog, have to speak your language.

Customizing predefined rules can create your own slang.

Less spam is a welcome side effect on non-Latin alphabets.


The plugin comes with a set of predefined standards for every translated language.

  • Bulgarian bg_BG
  • Finnish fi (by Christian Hellberg)
  • German de_DE
  • Hebrew he_IL (by Yaron Shahrabani)
  • Icelandic is_IS (by Hans Rúnar Snorrason) †
  • Persian fa_IR (by Alefba) †
  • Russian ru_RU


Technical Specifications

  • very lightweight
  • fully localized
  • secure input validation
  • smooth upgrade procedure
  • no extra data in the database
  • restless deinstallation


Any previous settings should be retained. Some new options will be set to default settings.



  • Add option “hyphen” to allowed characters


  • Add option “full stop” to allowed characters


  • <p>The comment form gives a decent hint.</p>
  • <p>The error messages are user friendly.</p>
  • <p>The count of unreadable attempts is displayed on the dashboard.</p>
  • <p>The admin option page is clear.</p>
  • <p>The plugin has been translated even into Russian.</p>


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