Really Simple Related Posts Really Simple Related Posts

Really Simple Related Posts

Created by: Robert Austin

Downloaded: 1k times

A plugin that makes showing related posts really simple!

Rather than have to drop short codes on every post, we let you determine how you want to handle
your related posts by category. You pick a category (e.g. my favourite posts), pick a related post
type (e.g. By Tag) and any posts in that category will show related posts that share a tag. Simple!

You have 3 related post types:

  1. By Category – Shows all posts from the same category.
  2. By Tag – Shows all posts that share a tag.
  3. By Category And Tag – Shows all posts from the same category and any posts that share a tag.

You can also set individual posts to not show related posts so you have complete control on how the
plugin is implemented.


  • This image shows a sample list of categories with By Category or By Tag chosen for each.
  • This images shows what your posts will look like with Really Simple Posts.
  • This image shows how you can disable a post from showing related posts.


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