RealSatisfied Widget RealSatisfied Widget

RealSatisfied Widget

Created by: RealSatisfied (

Downloaded: 6k times

The plugin takes data from the Agent Profile or Office RSS feed and displays Testimonials and Ratings (where available) in a sidebar widget on your WordPress site.

Testimonials that are displayed on your Agent Profile Page are displayed via the plugin and where rating’s are displayed on your Agent Profile Page are displayed via the plugin.

WordPress Plugin Configuration Options

  • Title : default Testimonials, set as required
  • Vanity-Key : eg simon-jones. Your vanity key is whatever is on the end of your Agent Profile Page URL ({vanity-key})
  • Mode : Display ‘Agent’ or ‘Office’ details. Ratings are only displayed in Agent mode. Office mode displays all testimonials for the office.
  • Animate Automatically : default True, if unselected, the visitor will need to navigate between testimonials manually
  • Hold each slide for : Set’s the delay between slide transitions in seconds (ignored when Animate Automatically is not selected)
  • Animation Type : default Slide Set’s the animation type between slide transitions (Slide or Fade) (ignored when Animate Automatically is not selected)
  • Display Side Arrows : default True
  • Display Navigation Dots : default False (recommended to be ‘False’ when number of testimonials exceeds 10)
  • Display Dates with Testimonials : default True, dates will be shown with testimonials
  • *Display Agent Photo (Office Mode Only): default both, in Office mode Agent photo’s are displayed on both the widget in the sidebar and the popup. Options are Both|Page|Popup|None
  • Display RealSatisfied Verified Shield : default True, RealSatisfied Shield with link to Agent Profile Page is displayed on testimonial detail pop-up layer


  • Settings within the widget
  • Example of display on a WordPress Site


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