‘Recent Archive More Widget’ displays posts, not listed on page content area on the widget area of the sidebar of category archive page. If a post (within the current category archive page) is displayed on the content area of the page, this plugin will exclude it from the list of posts to be displayed in the widget area of the sidebar. Recent archive more widget displays more posts of the current category on the sidebar.
* Recent Archive More Widget is intelligent enough to know when it is on a category page. I.E if this widget is added on the sidebar it will remain silent (not appear) unless the page currently viewed is category archive page.
* There is no need to configure the titles and archives, Recent Archive More widget knows what to do.
* Two Configuration options: Widget title (I recommend you leave the title blank) and Number of post to display default is 3 posts (you can change this).
* Displays post thumbnail and title nicely on the sidebar.


  • <p>'Recent Archive More / More on Recent Archive' in WordPress widget area. Click to add to a sidebar</p>
  • <p>'Recent Archive More' showing posts in 'WordPress' category.</p>
  • <p>'Recent Archive More' showing posts in 'WordPress' category, mouse over effect on second post item.</p>


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