Redbrick Digital Core Redbrick Digital Core

Redbrick Digital Core

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This plugins allows you to bring Review Engine reviews into your WordPress site via shortcodes and widget.

You must have a Review Engine account to use this plugin.

Plugin Initialization

To enable the shortcodes and widgets, first go to the RBD Core menu item that’s in the left-hand admin menu. Place the URL of your Review Engine in the Review Engine URL text input, and then hit the Save Changes button.

Configuring the Review Engine Display Shortcode/Widget

Now go into any Page, Post, or Custom Post Type that has a content editor. You’ll now have an Add Review Engine Display button next to Add Media. Click on that to access the shortcode editing popup.

URL: Place the desired Review Engine URL here.

Threshold: Set this to 3, 4, or 5 stars to grab published reviews at and above that threshold.

Service: Choose which service category to grab reviews from, default “All”.

Staff: Query against reviews with this staff member, default “All”.

Location: Query against reviews from this location, default “All”.

Limit Characters: Choose how many characters will show before the Read More link appears (if above the character limit).

Reviews Per Page: Choose how many reviews show before the Show More Reviews button appears (if you have more reviews than are returned).

Max Columns: Determine how many columns of reviews there are.

Hide X: Choose to hide some Meta Data.

Disable 3d: Will disabled the 3d hover effects.

Click the Insert Into {Post Type} button and then click publish or update.

Configuring the Review Slider Widget

In your Appearance > Widgets page, there is a Review Slider widget. Drag that into the widget area you’d like to display the slider on. You may have more than one slider on a page if you wish.

Title: Give the widget an optional title.

Review Engine URL: Your Review Engine’s URL. Note: This is predefined, but can be changed.

Threshold: Set this to 3, 4, or 5 stars to grab published reviews at and above that threshold.

Review Count: Choose how many reviews will be in the slider.

Character Count: Choose how many characters will show before the Read More link appears (if above the character limit).

Service: Choose which service category to grab reviews from, default “All”.

Staff: Query against reviews with this staff member, default “All”.

Location: Query against reviews from this location, default “All”.

Hide X: Hide the relevant meta data

Slider Speed: Will adjust the slider’s speed, showing each slider for the desired amount of seconds.


  • <p>Creating a Review Engine Shortcode for a page, post, or custom post type.</p>
  • <p>Using the Review Slider widget in a sidebar widget area.</p>


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