Reddit Widget Reddit Widget

Reddit Widget

Created by: James Wilson

Downloaded: 2k times


  • WordPress 2.2 or 2.0.x/2.1.x with WordPress Widgets
  • PHP 4.3.0 or greater (needed for function file_get_contents)


  • Displays your latest liked items (on
  • Completely customizable display
  • Caching for large traffic sites


There are 3 parts needed to format the output.

The first part, called items start in the admin panel, is the first part of the widget after the title. For the default formatting, this is just <ul>.

The second part, called items end, is the ending of the widget. By default, this is:
<a href=”%profile%” style=”float:right;”>%username%</a>

The third part is what is called for each item. By default, this is:
<li style=”list-style-type: none;”><a href=”%link%”>%title%</a> (<a href=”%more%”>more</a>)</li>

The premise of calling each value is this:

  1. start
  2. item
  3. item
  4. item
  5. end

The formatting for items is:

  • %title% – Title of the item
  • %link% – Link to the item
  • %desc% – Description of the item – Just [link] [more] links
  • %date% – Date the item was submitted (ISO)
  • %more% – More link – The link to the comments
  • %number% – The number of the current item

The formatting for start and end is:

  • %username% – Your username
  • %profile% – Link to your profile
  • %rss% – Link to your profile’s RSS feed
  • %count% – Number of items shown


  • Default Display
  • Admin Panel


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