Redirector Redirector


Created by: Ralf Hortt

Downloaded: 82k times

Redirect posts, pages or any custom post type to a different url.



  • redirector_uninstall – Runs on plugin deinstall
  • redirector_metabox_begin – Begin redirector meta box
  • redirector_metabox_end – End redirector meta box
  • redirector-modal-search-begin Begin redirector modal
  • redirector-modal-search-end End redirector modal


  • redirector-redirect-url – Alter the query string that is appended to redirect url
  • redirector-status-code – Redirect status code; default 301
  • redirector-recent-posts – Alter redirector recent posts query
  • redirector-search-query – Alter redirector search query
  • redirector-meta – Alter Redirector meta save

Update Notice

In version 3+ I’ve changed the database handling of storing the post meta data.
This results in that you have the visit the backend once after updating the plugin.
The function maybe_update() will handle the transition from the old structure to the newer one.
There shouldn’t be any problem updating the plugin, if so please contact me!


  • Meta box - No redirection
  • Meta box - Select post ( any post type )
  • Modal box - Select post ( any post type ) with most recent posts
  • Modal box - Search post ( any post type )
  • Meta box - Selected post ( any post type )
  • Meta box - Custom URL
  • Meta box - First child element
  • Meta box - SSL


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