References References


Created by: Shra

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin will let you manage the post references. It is like “node reference” in Drupal CMS module functionality.

Use Reference Settings page to configure publications connections.

After configuring step you will see additional metabox(s) on post editor page. Now you can choose articles of referenced post types to attach it to article you edit.

Plugin stores connected article list to post metas. For template you can use, for example, get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_ref_ID’, true) to receive that list. As ‘ref_ID’ you should use a meta key configured on Referenced settings page earlier.

Plugin allow you to configure widgets to view the list(s) of attached articles.

Plugin API

Plugin has own API which allows you create references from your code (after registering your own post types, etc). All functions are static and available through class REFShraAPI.

Currently there are implemented 5 functions. List of functions is below. More details about API functions, their arguments, examples look in referenece.php.

REFShraAPI::config_load($postType = NULL, $refKey = NULL);
//returns array currently configured REFERENCES.

REFShraAPI::config_add($postType, $refKey, $linkedTypes, $title)
// ADD/update REFERENCE configs.

REFShraAPI::config_remove($postType, $refKey);
// Delete REFERENCE config by pair postType / refKey.

REFShraAPI::get($postID = NULL);
// Get references data by post ID.

REFShraAPI::update($postID = NULL, $refkey, $postIDs);
// Update references data by post ID.

REFShraAPI::find($postID = NULL, $postTypes = array(), $onlyPublished = false);
// Search for article with attached post_id

Shortcode REF

Plugin supports shortcode REF. It allows to show list of referenced articles in any place of your post. Shortcode function implementation allows you customize list and output. Only two attributes are available.

[ref id=”POST_ID” key=”REFERENCE_KEY”]


  • Install References plugin.
  • The References settings page.
  • Build article connections.
  • Configure widget(s).
  • Created widget view.
  • Using REF shortcode in post editor.
  • REF shortcode rendered on frontend.


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