Related Posts, Inline Related Posts, Contextual Related Posts, Related Content By PickPlugins Related Posts, Inline Related Posts, Contextual Related Posts, Related Content By PickPlugins

Related Posts, Inline Related Posts, Contextual Related Posts, Related Content By PickPlugins

Created by: PickPlugins

Downloaded: 168k times

Related Post plugin is one of the most powerful plugin to display related post under post content on single post or page or custom post types, its also support to display related post under excerpt on archive pages. you can conditionally choose to display related content under excerpt or content by archive pages like tag, category, date, author, search page and custom taxonomy pages.

Related Post by


Related post under every paragraph

You can choose paragraph position like first, second, third and before last paragraph to display related post.

Before & After content and excerpt

Related post plugin allows you to display related content link before and after the content, this feature also available for excerpt under archive pages.

Related post under archive page

You can display related post under various archive pages like home page, front page, blog page, date, search, author, year, date, month and etc.

Related post by post types

You can choose custom post types to display Related post under single page.

Manual Post selection
You can choose manually picked the post to display as related post for each post.

Advance query
You can set max number post to display and choose query order and orderby parameters, related posts query based on current post category, tags and custom taxonomies.

Ready layout

There is 3 different type layout currently available to display related post, you can choose grid, slider and list style layout. you can set custom width for items and margin, padding, text align.

Sortable post elements

You can sort post elements like post title, post thumbnail and excerpt as you want.

Hide any elements

You can hide or display post elements like post title, thumbnail or excerpt.

Customize elements style

You can set custom font size, font color, padding, margin for post title, post excerpt and set custom height for post thumbnail, select custom thumbnail size and etc. you can also write custom CSS for each elements.

Track click

You can enable tracking click on related post, this will help you understand which post getting more attention from related posts. you will see top 10 post from stats page.

Premium Features

Popup related post
You can display related post on popups under single blog post or custom post types,

Popup positions
you can set 8 ready position for popups

Popup custom delay
You can set custom delay to display popup, so popup will be hidden until certain amount of time and then it will display.

Popup display on scroll
You can choose to display popup based on scroll down, popup will be hidden until certain amount of scroll down.

Popup display scroll down to article
Popup will display when user scroll down to reached end of the article class or content.

Popup display scroll down to page
Popup will display when user scroll down to reached end of the page or footer.

Custom HTML after each elements
You can display custom HTML under each elements like post title, post excerpt and post thumbnails. you can also display 3rd party shrotcode as output after each elements.

Link Target
You can set custom link target for each elements link like post title, post thumbnail and read more link, you can set _blank, _parent or etc for each link.

Display via shortcode

You can display related post any where via shortcode by using on your theme files

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[related_post post_id=""]' ); ?>


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