Related Posts Neural Network Related Posts Neural Network

Related Posts Neural Network

Created by: Neil T King

Downloaded: 24 times

Related Posts Neural Network learns what visitors access on your website and builds a locally stored Neural Network (Artificial Intelligence). This is then used to suggest other posts, pages or content on your site that visitors may like. You will have seen something similar on sites where they say “You may also like…” or “Other visitors were interested in…”.

Some key features include:

  • As it works by examining the URL, it will work with all content types in all languages which users may visit, for example articles, products, pages, blog posts, courses, photo galleries etc.
  • No visitor statistics or data leaves your website. Nothing is processed externally. Everything is done locally using no third party services. The custom written A.I. is built entirely within the plugin.
  • The plugin is written to be efficient so there should not be any noticable affect on the speed of your website.
  • No identifiable or personal information is collected from your visitors helping it abide by GDPR and privacy rules.
  • It is easy to install and set up for pretty much any WordPress site.
  • Works with the Gutenberg Block editor and Classic editor, and should work with any theme.
  • Insert suggestions anywhere in your site with the simple shortcode [rpnnrecommend]. You can adjust how it appears by adding parameters like [rpnnrecommend total=”6″ thumbnails=”false” class=”recommendedlist” title=”You might like…”] which would suggest six items the visitor might also be interested in, without featured image thumbnails, and assign the CSS class called “recommendedlist” to it.

The FREE version is limited to 30 synapses/paths/links between content, and the charts will only show up to 30 links and 10 items (e.g. pages). It is designed for you to try the plugin and decide if you like it and want to unlock the PRO version, but you can use the free version for as long as you like – there are no time limits. For small sites you may never need to upgrade.

To unlock the PRO version of the plugin, follow the link in the plugin settings. Here are some of the benefits you would receive:

  • Unlimited Neural Net size and number of synapses/paths (within database and your server limitations).
  • Neural Network graph increases from showing 10 nodes to 500, and from 30 synapses/paths/links to 1500.
  • The ability to manually adjust the weight/prominence of links between urls to help force or discourage certain recommended links.
  • Automatically downloads a list of common search engine bots/crawlers to block and prevent them from affecting the neural network.
  • A list of bad IP addresses is automatically downloaded to block any known misbehaving users from affecting the neural net.
  • Email support and help if needed.

This plugin is Copyright 2024, Neil T King.

Third Party Libraries and Links

The plugin uses 2 third party libraries which are included within the plugin so they do not need to be called from external sources (for security). They are only accessed by site administrators when they view the statistics tab inside the plugin settings area. Both of these javascript libraries are obfuscated to make the files smaller and faster to load. They are:
* Chart.js – – MIT License – Full source available from:
* Vis.js (network) – – APACHE 2.0 License – Full source available from:

The plugin also talks to my server in order to check if the Pro licensed features should be unlocked and to download updated block-lists for search engine bots and bad IP addresses. The information it passes to the server is:
* A unique ID number for your website (containing no personal or private information)
* The host URL of your website in case the website or plugin gets re-installed so it can retrieve your unique ID number.

Communication with my server occurs once when the plugin is activated, then twice a day. It is also checked when the plugin settings page is accessed. This is purely to unlock the Pro features as soon as possible after purchase.

The Privacy Policy is available at:


  • A visual representation of the Neural Network available in the WordPress dashboard.
  • A bar graph showing the number of visitor sessions for each URL.
  • A typical way that suggested articles are displayed.


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