With 5 different style, and 30 different options improve your related products slider. Related Products Slider enable chance beautifying and simplifying to show related products. Buyers interested related products , so you can
increase your sales.

With Related Products Slider for WooCommerce helps you can easily create and customize any related products to fit your need in short time.


  • Mobile friendly
  • Fully customizable
  • WPML Compatible
  • Validation any step
  • Fully responsive
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Easily change colors and text
  • Use different styles
  • Show/hide specific title/price/add to cart button
  • Related products by ‘Product Category’ and ‘Product Type’
  • Change ribbon text/position/text color/background color
  • Change the Title of Related Products Slider
  • Change related products count, 4,5,6 or etc.
  • Change related products on different devices Example : show on desktop 4 product , on tablet show 3 product, on mobile 3 product.
  • Slider Auto play
  • Slider Auto Play Speed
  • Show or hide slider navigation
  • Change slider navigation position
  • Show or hide slider pagination
  • Show or hide slider pagination number
  • Change slider navigation previous button text
  • Change slider navigation next button text
  • Change slider direction
  • Change navigation buttons background color
  • Change navigation buttons text color
  • Change pagination buttons background color
  • Change pagination buttons text color
  • Change ribbon background color
  • Change ribbon text color

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  • General settings
  • Slider settings
  • Style settings


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