Resource Management for WordPress Resource Management for WordPress

Resource Management for WordPress

Created by: Soumen Roy

Downloaded: 811 times

Admin Panel

A plugin for uploading and managing resources or documents from admin. There is another option to add and manage any resource category/ sub category. In the resource entry form there is a ‘drag n drop’ option to upload any resource file along with traditional browse facility. Even according to resource type only your uploaded file will be submitted. Also there are category/ sub category selection fields as well as a description box in the resource entry form.

Frontend Display

Use shortcode: [resources] for all resources to any post or in pages at anywhere.
Use [resources res_cat=Category ID] for any particular resource category even multiple category IDs can be included by separating a comma(,).

Ex. [resources res_cat=2] or [resources res_cat=1,2,3]
N.B.: You will get any Category ID from resource category section. This ID should always be numeric numbers and be sure there is no such blank space around the IDs.


  • Resource List in Admin section.
  • Add New Resource form in Admin section.
  • Resource Categories entry/list in Admin section.
  • Edit Resource form in Admin section.
  • Resource List in Frontend section.
  • On hover Resource details in Frontend section.


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