Responsive Bit FAQ Manager Responsive Bit FAQ Manager

Responsive Bit FAQ Manager

Created by: Responsive Bit

Downloaded: 1k times

FAQ’s Usage Page Guide

FAQ’s posts
Simply add a FAQ’s post uder FAQ’s menu. In title type the question for FAQ’s and in rich text editor type the answer for FAQ ‘s question. It ‘s that easy.

Widget Usage
Simply drop a Responsive Bit Faq Widget in a widget area and set the title plus nunmber of faq’s post to show. FAQ’s posts will now appear on widget area

Short code Usage
You can use either [faq] , it will show 2 FAQ’s post with the default title or you can use [faq title= ‘mytitle ‘ no= ‘2 ‘] , in title you set tittle and no you set number of FAQ ‘s post.

For Suggestions
For any suggestion and bug, kindly feel free to email us at . We will be glad to hear your feedback and any suggestions for improving this plugin.

What is the shortcode for this

  1. You can use [faq] for default appearence, which has 2 posts with default title above posts.
  2. You can also use [faq title=’mytitle’ no=’2′]. In this shortcode you set your title in title attribute and number of posts in no attribute.


  • Showing the add item for FAQ's.


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