Responsive Google Maps | by imbaa

Created by: Ilja Zaglov | imbaa Kreativagentur

Downloaded: 9k times

The responsive Goolge Maps Plug-In brings Responsive Google Maps API via the Google Maps API to your site.
When the browser-window is resized, the Plug-In automatically recenters the map view to the desired coordinates. You can activate and deactivate map control elements, set the height and the type of map (road, satellite).

And that’s pretty much it.

How to use

The Plug-In requires at leas two values to work: the latitude and the longitude of the location to display

[responsive_map lat=”51.44303″ lng=”7.01247″]

If you need to use the Shortcode inside a theme, just use <?php do_shortcode('[responsive_map lat="51.44303" lng="7.01247"]') ?>.

See it in action on imbaa Kreativagentur‘s site.


Version 1.1.1 of Responsive Google Maps is capable of displaying infowindows on the markers location.
To enable an infowindow simply put your infowindow text inside the [responsive_map] Tag.

You can use HTML if you like.

[responsive_map lat=”51.44″ lng=”7.01″]Infotext goes here[/responsive_map]

Possible other Parameters:

  • lng: 51.44 / Longitude
  • lat: 7.01 / Latitude
  • height = 400px / Height of the Container of the Map
  • zoom = 10 / Zoom Level of the Map
  • show_marker = true / Should a marker be displayed?
  • title = null / Title of the Marker
  • zoom_control = true / Enable or disable Zoom-Conrol
  • pan_control = true / Enable or disable Pan-Conrol
  • map_type_control = true / Enable or disable Map-Type-Conrol
  • scale_control = true / Enable or disable Scale Control
  • street_view_control = true / Enable or disable Street View
  • overview_map_control = true / Enable or disable Map Control
  • map_type (str) = road / Set Map Typ to Road („road“) or satellite („sattelite“)
  • scrollwheel = true / Enable or disable zooming via scrollwheel
  • draggable = false / Enable or disable draggable map. On touchscreen devices dragging is disabled
  • auto_open_info_window = false / Open info-window automatically, when map is loaded

Coming up next:

Custom marker images



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