REST API Comment REST API Comment

REST API Comment

Created by: Joaquim Domingos António

Downloaded: 544 times

If you wish to ‘Create comments’ using REST API, without exposing Administrator credentials to the Front-End application, you are at the right place. Since WordPress 4.7, REST API was natively included in WordPress.

In order to ‘Create a comment’ , the authentication for a user with ‘Administrator’ role is required. While this is a deliberately done for security reasons, such implementation makes it very hard for Front-End applications to implement a simple ‘Post Comment’ or ‘Reply Comment’ function.

This plugin fulfils such requirement by extending the existing WordPress REST API endpoints.


Minimum PHP version: 7.0
Minimum WordPress version: 5.5


Download the plugin form wordpress marketplace install it like any other WordPress plugin.
After the installation activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


When this plugin is installed one new endpoint is added to the wp/v2 namespace.





  1. Create a Comment

To create a comment using REST API, send a POST request to:

/wp-json/wp/v2/comments/create – if permalinks is enabled on your wordpress website.


/?rest_route=/wp/v2/comments/create if permalinks is not enabled on your wordpress website.

With a JSON body, as shown bellow:


“post”: “Post ID”,
“author_name”: “Comment Author’s name”,
“author_email”: “Comment Author’s email”,
“content”: “Comment content”

The content may also be send as an object:


“post”: “Post ID”,
“author_name”: “Comment Author’s name”,
“author_email”: “Comment Author’s email”,
“content”: {
“raw”:”Comment content”

Set header to:


content-type: application/json
If successful, you should receive a response with the data of the created comment:


“id”: “[comment id]”,
“status”: “[comment status]”,
“message”:”[server response message]”

In response header the status code should be:


HTTP 201 Created

  1. Reply a comment

To reply a comment you just need to add the field parent for the parent comment to the JSON body


“post”: “Post ID”,
“author_name”: “Comment Author’s name”,
“author_email”: “Comment Author’s email”,
“content”: “Comment content”,
“parent”:”Comment parent ID”

Note: Ensure the parent is a comment id that belongs to the post informed in the field post. The comment parent post id must match the post id otherwise the following error will be shown:


“code”: “rest_post_mismatch_parent_post_id”,
“message”: “Post ID and Parent post ID does not match”,
“data”: {
“status”: 400


If there is any thing to say about the plugin fill free to contact us.


  • This Screenshot is a sample REST API POST request using REST API Comment.


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