Rest-Cent Donations Rest-Cent Donations

Rest-Cent Donations

Created by: Rest-Cent Systems GmbH

Downloaded: 1k times

Small plugin – huge impact!

Become part of the only micro donation platform for online stores!

Due to the Corona pandemic, many sources of donations for non-profit organizations are falling away. It has never been more important to help and support the organizations financially – this is exactly where we come in and need your help!

With the Rest-Cent Donation Plugin we create a network of micro-donations through plugins for any kind of store system. With our free WordPress plugin, online stores and their customers can effortlessly donate small amounts of cents to charitable organizations. Donating has never been easier:

  • Customers have the choice to round up the value of their purchase. Instead of paying EUR 44.20, the customer then pays EUR 45, for example, and donates 80 cents to a selected charity
  • Online shops can use the donation plugin to donate the ‘Rest-Cent’ (the value after the decimal point). Everyone decides for themselves to which organization the respective donation should go!

The donations made are treated by the plugin as a product and is therefore also visible in the shopping cart and all documents as a donation.
The donation amount is first transferred to you via the normal payment process and is thus ‘parked’ with you. Every few months (or when exceeding 20 EUR of donations) we collect the accumulated donations and transfer them to the respective organizations.

This way we all contribute to make the world a bit better with a bit of technology.

Further information can be found at


  • Become part of the only micro donation platform for online stores!
  • Free plugin for donations to non-profit organizations
  • ‘Round up’ donation function for shoppers (round up purchase amount to full EUR)
  • ‘Rest-Cent’ donation function for shop owners (donation of decimal places of the value of goods)


  • Digital donation option for microdonations
  • Easy selection of already registered charities (currently only Germany)
  • Donation function for shoppers and shop owners
  • ‘Rest-Cent’ donation with an adjustable shopping cart value
  • Adjustable interval for automatic change of charitable organization (e.g. to donate daily or weekly to another organization)
  • Donation is added to the shopping cart as a ‘pseydo’ product
  • Donation is automatically visible on all documents (order confirmation, invoice…)
  • Donation is automatically cancelled when an order is cancelled
  • Monthly overview of donation transactions in CSV or PDF format


  • You can find the configuration under WooCommerce > Settings
  • Plugin in action on the checkout page


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