Risalelerden Secmeler Risalelerden Secmeler

Risalelerden Secmeler

Created by: Hasan SARMAN

Downloaded: 884 times

//ENGLISH In order to make this plugin show english aphorisms use if ( function_exists( ‘show_aphorism’ ) ) { show_aphorism(); } This plugin creates a database table consisting of favorite aphorisms from all over the world. for now there 700 english aphorisms and 1400 turkish aphorisms. This number is growing day by day. if you want to show multiple aphorisms on the different parts of page just use if ( function_exists( ‘show_aphorism’ ) ) { show_aphorism(); } whereever you like. a live demo can be seen on http://hasansarman.net if you have any suggestions & offerings & questions contact me via e-mail: hasansarman@gmail.com


Bu plugin Risale-i Nur’dan 1400 adet ozenle secilmis guzel sozu ekranda gorsel bir ziyafetle rastgele olarak gosterir. ileriki surumlerde bu plugine bir slider da eklenecektir. akliniza takilan soru/gorusleriniz icin lutfen hasansarman@gmail.com uzerinden benimle irtibata geciniz. Duzeltilmesini istediginiz yanlislik&eksiklikler icinde benimle irtibata geciniz lutfen.



  • An example working image with dynamic words
  • how its seen on website


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