RocketDeliver – Delivering your website faster

Created by: RocketDeliver

Downloaded: 621 times

“2 seconds is the threshold for ecommerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half second.” Maile Ohye, from Google

Users like fast pages and Google does too. One of the best things you can do to improve your SEO is to make your page faster. We got you covered there. The easiest way to boost your webpage speed is to use RocketDeliver.

RocketDeliver optimises, compresses and distributes your images, scripts and css files rocket fast over a CDN to any device around the world in the best format for that device.
All of this is done without loading a single line of javascript or any additional server side computation or storage.

No tinkering needed, get all the bells and whistles along with none of the knobs and levers

Everyone wants a fast webpage and that’s what we deliver.

Simply register for an account at RocketDeliver and enjoy a faster webpage.

How does it work
The RocketDeliver plugin will rewrite the WordPress image, script and css URLs and replace them with RocketDeliver URLs that optimise files and load over a CDN.

RocketDeliver runs on edge locations in over 190 locations across the world to deliver the optimal version of your assets to each user based on their device support with the lowest latency.



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