Role Based Bulk Quantity Pricing Role Based Bulk Quantity Pricing

Role Based Bulk Quantity Pricing

Created by: Kevin Amorim

Downloaded: 1k times

This plugin allows to easily upload a CSV file with bulk pricing for simple and variable products.

The plugin dashboard page lists all existing bulk pricing lines and allows to export them to a CSV file.
For further help while creating the CSV lines you can export both the products list and the available roles list.

Some further customization is also possible by:

  • Defining if we want to use roles or completely ignore them.
  • Use the total cart quantity or the quantity by specific product on bulk calculations.
  • Enable bulk pricing for guest (not logged in) users.
  • Display product total on the product page.
  • Display an additional label next to the price defining wether it includes taxes or not.
  • Hide taxes on the product page for specific roles.
  • Debug mode which displays further information.


  • Plugin dashboard.
  • Plugin configuration page.


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