Ruven Themes: Sharing Links

Created by: Ruven

Downloaded: 1k times

This plugin provides a function to output links to share a post to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Selected themes by Ruven will display the links automatically when the plugin is activated.
In other themes you will have to edit the templates in your theme in order to output the links.

Here an example of outputting the links in as list:

if(function_exists('ruven_sharing_links')) {
    echo '<ul class="sharing-list">';
    $sharing_links = ruven_sharing_links();
    foreach($sharing_links as $sharing_link) {
      echo "<li>$sharing_link</li>";
    echo '</ul>';


$sharing_links = ruven_sharing_links( $get_array, $include, $open_in_new_tab, $class );


(bool) (optional) If you want the return value to be an associative array (title, URL) or an array of HTML links. By getting an associative array, you are able to customize the output more.

Default: false

(array) (optional) If you don’t want all platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+) included, you can specify here which you want specifically to be returned. E.g. array('Twitter', 'Facebook') would only return Twitter and Facebook links.

Default: array()

(bool) (optional) If you want the sharing dialog to be opened in a new tab/window or not.

Default: true

(array) (optional) Classes you want to add to the links. E.g. array('sharing-button', 'big-button')

Default: array()

Return Value

If the value of $get_array is false (default), the function returns an array of HTML links.

If the value of $get_array is true, the function returns an associative array of the title (e.g. “Twitter”) and the URL to share the post.



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