Sailen Short Menu is a simple plugin which allow users to display nav-menus within post/pages and Sidebars using Shortcodes

Using Shortcode

[ssm-menu name=”YOUR_MENU_NAME” class=”CLASS_FOR_UL_TAG” con=”CLASS_FOR_THE_CONTAINER” depth=”LEVEL” ]

The Shortcode can also be included within the Widget area and sidebars

  • YOUR_MENU_NAME [Name of the Menu created by you][Required]

  • CLASS_FOR_UL_TAG [If yu want to provide a different class for the Ul tag. Default is assigned] [Optional]

  • CLASS_FOR_THE_CONTAINER [If yu want to provide a different class for the container for Ul tag. Default is assigned] [Optional]

  • LEVEL [Numeric value to define the level of hierarchy of the MenuItems. Default is 0] [Optional]




  • Display within contents
  • Using TextWidgets
  • At sidebar


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