Saint of the Day Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day

Created by: Doug "BearlyDoug" Hazard

Downloaded: 599 times

Saint of the Day (SotD)

This plugin is being rolled into the Liturgical Day of the Week plugin, since so many of the same features are already present in both. Please uninstall this one and install the LDotW plugin.

It will be removed from the repositories early January 2024.

Current Version 1.0.2


  • Shortcode builder allows you to decide if you want to show the background color (and it’s “partner” text color) or not.
  • Works anywhere you can use shortcode.
  • Only background color and text color defined via CSS. You can control the look/feel by adding your own CSS styling to a specific CSS class.

This plugin is not compatible with WordPress versions less than 5.0. Requires PHP 5.6+.


  • Check the FAQs/Help located on WordPress’ Plugin page, or the Support forum on’s plugin area.
  • The Shortcode Builder has been extensively tested with both jQuery version 1.12.4 and 3.5.1, without any issues. The output, however, does not need jQuery/JavaScript.


  • Demo Saint of the Day(SotD) look
  • Styling the SotD output via CSS class name
  • WP Admin interface


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