Scale to Fit

Created by: Antti Leppä / Metatavu Oy

Downloaded: 739 times

wordpress-scale-to-fit plugin allows developers to force some elements to fit inside other. This can be useful when developers need to make
some non-responsive components (e.g. iframes) to scale with the rest of the page.

Key Features:

  • Allows developers to force elements to fit inside others


Add css class “scale-to-fit” to element you wish to initialize scale-to-fit.

You can use following data -attributes to control scaling:

  • data-element-method: Method to find scaled element. Allowed values:
    • self – element it self (default)
    • parent – reference element
    • closest – closest ancestor of reference element matching data-element -attribute selector
    • find – closest descendant of reference element matching data-element -attribute selector
  • data-element: CSS Selector for closest and find methods
  • data-container-method: Method to find container element. Allowed values:
    • self – reference element
    • parent – parent of reference element (default)
    • closest – closest ancestor of reference element matching data-element -attribute selector
      _ find – closest descendant of reference element matching data-element -attribute selector
  • data-container: CSS Selector for closest and find methods



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