SearchCloak SearchCloak


Created by: Lon Koenig and Firebrand LLC

Downloaded: 1k times

SearchCloak allows you to hide specific Posts and Pages from search results.

There are many reasons you may want to remove specific pages from search results:

  • Parent pages used to organize URLs or menus, but don’t contain actual content
  • Partial page “sections” assembled by plugins into more complete pages
  • Pay-per-click Landing Pages (You probably don’t want those showing up in search engines.)
  • Pages that present similar or duplicate content that might otherwise appear multiple times in search results

This plugin adds a “SearchCloak” option to the edit screen of Posts and Pages.

When running the Gutenberg editor, this option block will appear under the “Document” tab in the right-hand column.

The options are:
show – Show this Page or Post in search results (default)
cloak – Hide this Page or Post from search results
children – Hide this Page and all its children from search results (not available on Posts since they don’t have children)


  • Cloaked pages are also marked as “noindex” for search engines
  • You can hide ALL the children of a given page
  • Compatible with most search plugins
  • Works with Google Custom Search
  • Admin search results DO include cloaked pages
  • Cleans up multiple “robots” meta tags in the head section (sometimes happens with multiple plugins or settings)
  • Cloaking can be enabled for custom post types in the dashboard


  • The SearchCloak box in Page editing.
  • The SearchCloak dashboard settings page.


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