Section Widget Section Widget

Section Widget

Created by: Godfrey Chan (UBC CTLT), Enej,

Downloaded: 58k times

Grand Prize winner of WordPress Plugin Competition 2009

Ever wanted to display a widget only on the front page? Subpages of certain pages? Posts with a certain tag? We’ve got you covered. With an extremely easy to use interface, you can create your section-specific widget in no time – without going through the frustration of writing PHP code (ala Widget Logic).

In addition to plain text and HTML, we have added shortcodes support into the mix. This means you can easily turn your crazy widget ideas into reality. Need a RSS widget for the posts in the “Movies” category? Yep, there is a shortcode for that. Show your AdSense ads only on the front page? There is a shortcode for that too – not to mention tag clouds, Paypal, Amazon… you name it. Or throw more CMS hotness into your sidebar with our conditional custom fields shortcodes. Checkout the screenshots for more inspirations.

But before you hit the download button, we have saved a surprise for you. In order to help you fit all those insane ideas into your already crowded sidebar, we have decided to add tabs to the equation. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, creating your own tabbed widget is completely effortless – even for your grandparents. (See the screenshots for details.) To bring this to the next level, we have bundled 25 (!) switchable themes (powered by the jQuery UI project) with the plugin – and we even included a on preview in the settings page! And of course, you can always roll your own theme to suit the design of your site. (A lite version with the 2 basic themes is also available here.)

With all those awesome features, you should definitely download it and try it out. If you still cannot find a need for this, you’re probably using WordPress the wrong way 😉 Let us know what you think, drop us a line at the forums – we would love to hear about your creative ways of using this plugin!

If you are running a earlier version of the WordPress 3.5 or earlier don’t use the latest version of the plugin.

Built-in Conditionals

In this version, you can freely mix and match these predefined rules which gives you control of where the widget should be displayed:

  • Everywhere on your site (new)
  • The front page
  • The posts page (new)
  • All posts
  • All author pages
  • All or selected pages and subpages
  • Pages or posts with comments enabled
  • Pages or posts belongs to selected categories
  • Pages or posts with selected tags
  • All (new) or selected category archive pages
  • All (new) or selected tags archive pages
  • All date-based archive pages
  • Search results page (new)
  • “404” not found page (new)
  • Basic Support for Taxonomies
  • Basic Support for Post Types

Please note: JavaScript is required for the widget interface to display correctly.

This plugin will only run on WordPress 3.3+.


  • <p>Easy to use widget interface</p>
  • <p>Selecting individual pages</p>
  • <p>Selecting individual categories</p>
  • <p>Creating tabs is fun - you can even drag-and-drop to reorder them</p>
  • <p>How it looks on an actual page</p>
  • <p>Switching themes - with on preview</p>
  • <p>(Ideas) Giving your confused visitors a helping hand</p>
  • <p>(Ideas) Save space by combining your navigations (Tag cloud and Category list powered by <a href="">Template Tag Shortcode</a>, pages list by our own <strong>Subpages Navigation</strong> plugin - coming soon!)</p>
  • <p>(Ideas) Or go wild with our <a href="">Conditional Custom Fields Shortcode</a></p>


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