Sell Digital Downloads

Created by: wpecommerce, wp.insider

Downloaded: 51k times

We are deprecating this plugin. You can use the PayPal Express Checkout plugin which is a simple and lightweight plugin to handle the selling of digital downloads using the PayPal Express Checkout API.

I needed an easy and lightweight plugin to sell digital downloads. I don’t want any kind of bloat in the plugin, so this plugin is not an elephant plugin. If you want to sell digital downloads via PayPal, this plugin will do the job nicely.

WordPress iSell is a simple WordPress plugin to sell digital downloads. It integrates flawlessly with PayPal. User interface (UI) of the plugin is very simple to use, I call this plugin for users, not for developers but developers should not feel left behind. I know how painful it is to modify client’s plugins and then find out after a few weeks or months that they had updated the plugin and boom! all changes are lost. There are filters and hooks for almost every important functionality in WP iSell.

Sell Digital Downloads Features

  • You can upload files easily via WordPress media uploader or your own FTP software
  • You can sell various types of downloads. For example: pdf, ebook, photo, music, video, audio, mp3 etc
  • Digital downloads are automatically sent to your customer via email after PayPal payment
  • You can create unlimited products
  • You can also create custom orders
  • You can manage products and orders through standard WordPress UI. It feels as if you are managing your WordPress posts/pages. This plugin utilizes the custom post type feature of WordPress.
  • It works flawlessly with the latest version of WordPress.
  • It’s a developer friendly plugin. It can be extended by using the proper hooks and filters.
  • Your digital downloads are served to your customer as encrypted links. It’s not just full links to your files.
  • Easy File download using PayPal
  • Upload thumbnails for your downloads
  • Create a product display box using a shortcode

For detailed documentation please visit the WordPress Sell Digital Downloads plugin page.

Get involved

Developers can contribute to the source code on the Sell Digital Downloads GitHub Repository.



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