Send Emails with Mandrill Send Emails with Mandrill

Send Emails with Mandrill

Created by: Miller Media ( Matt Miller )

Downloaded: 193k times

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Note: This is a forked version of the now unsupported wpMandrill plugin. The notes below are copied over from the original plugin and will be updated as relevant updates become available. Please help by contributing to the GitHub repository Send Emails With Mandrill on GitHub

This plugin uses Mandrill API to send outgoing emails, with or without attachments, from your WordPress installation. It replaces the wp_mail function included with WordPress.

Emails are tracked and automatically tagged for statistics within the Mandrill Dashboard. You can also add general tags to every email sent, as well as particular tags based on selected emails defined by your requirements.

You can also use your own templates that have been added to your MailChimp account and shared with your Mandrill account.

There are a few levels of integrations between your WordPress installation and this plugin:

  1. The simplest option: Install it, configure it, and Send Emails with Mandrill will start sending your emails through Mandrill.
  2. If you need to fine tune certain emails, you can change any email by creating a filter for the mandrill_payload hook.
  3. For further customization, we’ve exposed a function that allows you to send emails from within your plugins, instead of the regular wp_mail function: wpMandrill::mail

Enable the connection by entering a valid API key in the settings page or adding the line define('SEWM_API_KEY', '{YOUR_API_KEY}') your site’s wp-config.php file.

Spanish translation available.


If you find that a part of this plugin isn’t working, please don’t simply click the WordPress “It’s broken” button. Let us know what’s broken in its support forum so we can make it better. Our mind-reading device still needs some tweaking.


Send Emails with Mandrill is currently localized in the following languages:

  • Spanish (es_ES)

Known Issues

  • Daily statistics will show data for the first 20 senders (emails) registered.
  • Daily statistics will show data for the first 40 tags registered.

If your account has more than 20 senders registered or more than 40 tags used, the detailed daily statisticas might show incompleted data.


  • Settings screen
  • Statistics
  • Dashboard widget
  • Dashboard widget Settings


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