Sherk Carousel Banners Plugin Sherk Carousel Banners Plugin

Sherk Carousel Banners Plugin

Created by: Sherwin Calims

Downloaded: 3k times

This is the plugin you need when you have to add responsive slideshows and banners in carousels for your websites.
The plugin implements widgets and shortcodes on adding the slideshows/banners into your contents.

Custom post type SherkBanners lets you add slides with captions and links. The good thing to this is you are able to display the SherkBanner anywhere in your website through widgets and shortcodes repeatedly.

The plugin uses Bxslider jQuery plugin. Parameters are added into the widget’s configuration and also with the shortcode.

You can add custom categories to your banners/slideshows for you to organize it easily.

You can email me directly for any plugin request or personal modification such as styles and templates at or contact me at

Plugin URI:
Demo Page: (The banner at the homepage set with false pager)

Detailed Instructions

After installation, check at Dashboard -> Tools -> Sherk Banners (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=sherk_banners&page=sherkbanners_info)
for more detailed instructions.


  • Sherk Banners  Post type at Dashboard
  • Add/Edit SherkBanner post
  • SherkBanner Form at edit/add SherkBanner post.
  • Single view of Sherk Banner.
  • SherkBanners Slider Widget with the widget configs.
  • Frontend sliders at sidebar widget and at the content added by shortcode.
  • Shortcode added at the content.


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