This plugin is designed to support integrating your WordPress site into your existing identity management infrastructure using a Shibboleth Service Provider.

WordPress can be configured so that all standard login requests will be sent to your configured Shibboleth Identity Provider or Discovery Service. Upon successful authentication, a new WordPress account will be automatically provisioned for the user if one does not already exist. User attributes (username, first name, last name, display name, nickname, and email address) can be synchronized with your enterprise’s system of record each time the user logs into WordPress.

Finally, the user’s role within WordPress can be automatically set (and continually updated) based on any attribute Shibboleth provides. For example, you may decide to give users with an eduPersonAffiliation value of faculty the WordPress role of editor, while the eduPersonAffiliation value of student maps to the WordPress role contributor. Or you may choose to limit access to WordPress altogether using a special eduPersonEntitlement value.

Contribute on GitHub

This plugin is actively maintained by michaelryanmcneill and the WordPress community, using GitHub. Contributions are welcome, via pull request, on GitHub. Issues can be submitted on the issue tracker.


  • Configure login, logout, and password management URLs
  • Specify which Shibboleth headers map to user profile fields
  • Assign users into WordPress roles based on arbitrary data provided by Shibboleth


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