Shogun Followers is a WordPress Plugin that fully integrates your Twitter account and your WordPress website.

Send Direct Messages to NEW Followers

Shogun Followers gives you the ability to send a customizable message to all of your new Twitter Followers. This is an amazing tool for people and businesses looking to engage their audience and spread their messages.

Follow Back

Shogun Followers let’s you follow back everyone that’s following you with three clicks of your mouse. The simple act of following back is a great tool for forging and relationships and enhancing your presence on Twitter.

Ignore NEW Twitter Followers

The ignore function in Shogun Followers let’s you be selective about whom you decide to follow. By simply scanning over your list of new followers you can determine which users are relevant and worth following back. This will help keep you time line clear of clutter and spam.

Simultaneously send Direct Messages to new Twitter Followers while following them back

Shogun Followers let’s you instantly send a message up to 500 characters in length to all of your new followers. Used properly this can be an invaluable tool in building your online presence. In the version of this plugin the (@Samurai9Design) tag will automatically be added to the end of each message.


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