Shortcodes for bbPress Shortcodes for bbPress

Shortcodes for bbPress

Created by: How To Create A Press Release

Downloaded: 984 times

This plugin contains a quick reference list to the available bbPress shortcodes so you can easily access the shortcodes as a reference, from within your wordpress panel.

Includes bbPress shortcodes to:

Display your entire forum index,
Display the ‘New Forum’ form.
Display a single forums topics
Display the most recent 15 topics across all your forums with pagination.
Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.
Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.
Display a single topic. eg.
Display the ‘New Reply’ form.
Display a single reply eg. [bbp-single-reply id=32768]
Display a tag cloud of all topic tags.
Display a list of all topics associated with a specific tag
Display topics associated with a specific view.
Display the search input form.
Display the search form template.
Display the login screen.
Display the register screen.
Display the lost password screen.
Display the forum statistics.

Please visit to learn more about the plugin.

For any questions about the plugin or help with the plugin please contact our support team at anytime through our website – Contact howtocreateapressrelease support Visit our website to find the best Press Release Distribution Services or download our other plugin available on press release distribution plugin.


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