Shortlinks By Path Shortlinks By Path

Shortlinks By Path

Created by: Ezwan Aizat Bin Abdullah Faiz

Downloaded: 1k times

Shortlinks By Path hooks into the WordPress filter get_shortlink to only return the path for a shortlink. This makes it easier to retrieve the shortlink url with an absolute path minus the domain name.

By default WordPress returns the full path to your post when clicking “Get Shortlink”. Shortlinks By Path returns only the path. For example, by default WordPress would return , with Shortlinks By Path enabled WordPress returns /?p=3565 .

How It Works

Shortlinks By Path hooks into the WordPress filter get_shortlink to only return the path for a shortlink.

Why I Created It

I needed WordPress to return the path for a given post because it was easier to migrate WordPress installations across different domains, as there would be no broken internal links. For example, migrating from a development internal site, to a production live site.


  • Shortened Path


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