Show More for P2 Show More for P2

Show More for P2

Created by: Kyle Scheuerlein

Downloaded: 1k times

Automatically turn all posts into excerpts of 300 characters and add a “Show More” link that will load directly in the page. If your post includes a picture, it will also obtain a thumbnail and place that at the beginning of the excerpt. Supports Infinite Scroll, too (assuming you manually enabled it on your P2 site)!

  • Shorter posts will be left alone, unless they have a picture
  • Posts with a picture will always be turned into a thumbnail/excerpt
  • Expanding or contracting a post will scroll to the top of the post


  • Long posts with embedded video and no image include the video in the excerpt
  • Change the character length from the admin screen


  • Example of a P2 blog with plugin enabled.
  • Sample post excerpt.
  • Expanded full post.
  • Sample of thumbnail.
  • Expanded post with picture.


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