Sigma Importer

Created by: Slidesigma

Downloaded: 521 times

Import your demo content, widgets and theme settings with one click. Theme authors! Enable simple demo import for your theme demo data.

How to predefine demo imports?

Theme authors can add predefined demo content for their themes. The content supports content files (.xml) – Widget files (.wie) – Redux options (.json) – Revolution slider slides (.zip). Follow the below example for more instructions

function sigma_importer_import_files( $demos ) {
   $demos = [
      'file_name'              => 'Your Demo Import Name',
      'description'            => __( 'Any extra instructions you might want to add', 'your-textdomain' ),
      'front_page'             => 'Home',
      'blog_page'              => 'Blog',
      'menus'                  => array(
        'main_menu'        => 'Main Menu',
        'secondary_menu'   => 'Secondary Menu',
        'mobile_menu'      => 'Mobile Menu',
        'top_menu'     => 'Top Menu',
        'bottom_menu'      => 'Bottom Menu'
      'import_file'            => YOUR_XML_FILE_PATH,
      'import_widget_file'     => YOUR_WIDGET_WIE_PATH,
      'import_redux' => array(
          'import_redux_file' =>  YOUR_REDUX_JSON_PATH,
          'opt_name'       => YOUR_THEME_OPTIONS_NAME,
      'preview_thumb'   => YOUR_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL_URL,
      'preview_url'     => YOUR_DEMO_PREVIEW_URL,
  return $demos;

add_filter( 'ss_importer/importer_custom_demos' , 'sigma_importer_import_files' );

As for now, the importer only supports local files. If you tried to add remote URL links for your content files, the importer will just ignore them.

Wanna help us make Sigma Importer better?

Get access to the Sigma Importer GitHub repository.


Release Date – January 13, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where menu items would import twice if the importer took a lot of time.
  • Updated the readme.txt file to include some helpful actions and filters for developers


Release Date – January 13, 2021

  • Updated readme.txt


  • Release Date – January 13, 2021*

  • Initial release!



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