SEATT: Simple Event Attendance SEATT: Simple Event Attendance

SEATT: Simple Event Attendance

Created by: Dave Channon

Downloaded: 11k times

This is an event attendance plugin, which allows configuration of multiple events, and embedding of multiple events in any page or post using shortcodes.

Add an event in the admin panel with a name, description, closing date (for signing up) and registration limit (for number of users who can signup). You can then embed a form into any post or page using the wordpress shortcode [seatt-form event_id=x] (x = the event id).

From the admin panel you can read comments left by people who have registered, as well as boot them off the list or delete the list altogether.

Please note you have to allow user registration for this plugin to function. If you allow non-registered users access you open the form up to spam and also numerous issues when people want to change their status, enter incorrect details, or register other users on their behalf. As a result the plugin will remain registration-only for the time being.

Uninstalling removes all traces of plugin, including from the database. This means any events you have will be lost. Updates will not affect existing events nor their attendees.

Comments are always welcome, it’s through feedback that we improve!


  • <p>screenshot-1.png shows the admin panel event browser</p>
  • <p>screenshot-2.png shows the admin panel event add page, this has a start and finish time from v1.4</p>
  • <p>screenshot-3.png shows the admin panel event edit page, this has a start and finish time from v1.4</p>
  • <p>screenshot-4.png shows a post with the signup form, this has a start and finish time from v1.4</p>
  • <p>screenshot-5.png shows a post with the signup form after registering, this has a start and finish time from v1.4</p>
  • <p>screenshot-6.png shows the top of the list shortcode, listing the number of events and each signup form (from v1.5)</p>


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