Simple Job Listings

Created by: 5HD Agency

Downloaded: 2k times

An easy way to post job listings to your WordPress site. No fluff. Listings can be dropped into any page via the shortcode:

[jobs order="title" show_date="y"]

Also adds a restricted role of “Jobs Manager”. This role is a step above Subscriber and a perfect way to grant access that doesn’t allow (other) website content to be changed.

Shortcode Attributes

  • order – Sort order of the jobs. Filterable on jobslistings_frontend_allowed_sorts (below.) Allows ‘title’, ‘date’, ‘modified’, ‘rand’ by default
  • show_date – Wheter or not to show the publication/list date of the jobs (y/n)


  • jobslistings_frontend_allowed_sorts (array) – Strings allowed to be passed to the shortcode’s order attribute.
    Full list of options available in the Codex
  • joblistings_published_date (string) – Formatted date for display in the listings. Also passes result of get_the_date() as a 2nd argument.



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