Simple PAY.JP Payment

Created by: koyacode

Downloaded: 3k times

This plugin provides payment form by PAY.JP with simple shortcode.

The supported currency is only JPY so far.

Example of Shortcode:

[simple-payjp-payment amount=50 form-id="id-string" name='no' result-ok="" result-ng="" ]
  • amount (mandatory*): price in JPY
  • plan-id (mandatory*): subscription plan ID
  • form-id (mandatory): any ID of the form
  • name: show/hide name field (‘yes’ => show (default), ‘no’ => hide)
  • result-ok: page url to redirect after payment succeeded if you want to customize success message
  • result-ng: page url to redirect after payment failed if you want to customize failure message
  • prorate: disabled/enabled prorated for subscription payment (‘no’ => not prorated (default), ‘yes’ => prorated)

(*) ‘amount’ is mandatory for single payment. ‘plan-id’ is mandatory for subscription payment. ‘amount’ and ‘plan-id’ should be exclusive.

You can confirm these information of each payments in descripton property of Charge record on PAY.JP admin panel.

Only one shoutcode can be placed in a page.


Action hook

  • simplepayjppayment_result_ok: called after payment succeeded
  • simplepayjppayment_result_ng: called after payment failed


  • English (default) – always included
  • Japanese – always included

Technical Details

How to use is summalized in the following page:
WordPressプラグイン Simple PAY.JP Payment



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