Simple PW Ads Simple PW Ads

Simple PW Ads

Created by: Big Bagel

Downloaded: 5k times

Provides three (widget, shortcode, and template tag) easy ways to add Project Wonderful ads to your WordPress site along with a simple management page to handle them.

This plugin was intentionally kept simple. Insert your Project Wonderful publisher ID/member number on the management page, click “Synchronize Ad Data”, and watch as all your ad information is displayed. You can then use the added widget, shortcode, or template tag to display any of the ads connected to your PW account.

See the Other Notes page for the shortcode and template tag as well as usage notes.

Before marking this plugin as broken, ask for some help in the forum or on the author’s site. It could be a minor bug with a simple fix specific to your configuration.

New in version 3

Before version 3.0.0 there was a very serious bug. The Project Wonderful asynchronous code was added to the footer in such a way that it could confuse the Project Wonderful robot in charge of checking ads. As a result, ads could have difficulty activating or be automatically deactivated. Do not use any version of this plugin prior to 3.0.0.

Simple PW Ads now includes a management page to keep track of your ads. Any ads added in versions prior to 3.0.0 will need to be checked/re-added once you input your publisher ID/member number.

Plugin Website: Simple PW Ads


This plugin relies on PHP’s SimpleXML extension. SimpleXML is enabled by default since PHP 5.1.2 (WordPress 3.2 and greater requires PHP 5.2.4). Simple PW Ads will check for SimpleXML and display a helpful error if not found.


Simple PW Ads no longer requires you to mess with ad codes. Simply go to Project Wonderful and find your publisher ID/member number under “My account > My profile”. Type your ID on the management page, and click “Synchronize Ad Data”. The information for all of your ads will be downloaded and shown. You can now use the widget, shortcode, or template tag to insert your ads.

The added shortcode is: [spw_ad managed_ad="X"]
The added template tag is: spw_insert_ad( 'X' )

X corresponds to “Ad Number” on the management page.

If you edit your ads within Project Wonderful, you should click “Synchronize Ad Data” again to grab the changes. If you delete an ad in Project Wonderful, all your ad numbers will remain the same; you will not have to check/edit any currently used ads.


  • The added widget.
  • The management page.


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