Simple Seller

Created by: Todd D. Esposito

Downloaded: 1k times

SimpleSeller adds a new post type to a WP blog, which represents a sellable
item. Each author (“seller”) enters their own payment credentials, and
posts are linked to that seller’s payment gateway with a simple buy-now type
button. A separate capabilities set allows the blog owner to differentiate
between those allowed to post blog entries and those allowed to sell items.


  1. Download
  2. Back up your database and previous version of Simple Seller
  3. Unzip Simple Seller into your WordPress plugins directory


  1. On the Admin page, select “Simple Seller” under Settings.
  2. Choose a “slug” for all items for sale. SimpleSeller will create a page under that slug.
  3. Edit the newly created seller page, adding whatever content makes sense. Publish the page.
  4. (Optional) Create accounts for your “sellers”, or add the “seller” capabilities to existing accounts. We recommend using the [Capabilities Manager (capsman) plugin] ( to manage this.
  5. Enter your PayPal credentials on your Profile page. Each seller must do this.



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