Simple Share Simple Share

Simple Share

Created by: Takayuki Miyauchi

Downloaded: 4k times

You can place share buttons just by activating this plugin.

  • There is no admin panel.
  • You can place twitter, facebook, google, and hatena(ja only) buttons.
  • They will be hidden at mobile screen (under 480px).

Filter hook

  • simple_share_the_content – Filter the content.
  • simple_share_get_share_buttons – Filter the share buttons.
  • simple_share_mobile_footer – Filter the footer buttons on mobile.
  • simple_share_style – Filter the css.

Placing share buttons in the footer.

add_filter( 'simple_share_the_content', function( $content, $share, $orig ){
    return $share. $orig . $share;
}, 10, 3 );

Other Notes

If you would have conflicts with other plugins you can stop JavaScripts in the footer like below.

  • remove_action( 'simple_share_footer', array( $simple_share, 'facebook_script' ) ); – Stop facebook scripts.
  • remove_action( 'simple_share_footer', array( $simple_share, 'google_script' ) ); – Stop Google scripts.



  • Share buttons for PC.
  • Share buttons for Mobile.


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