Simple Sugarsync Upload

Created by: Creative Design Solutions

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin lets you insert an upload form in a page, post or widget so visitors can upload files to your SugarSync account. No need to signup for a developer account.


  • WordPress 3.2.1 or higher
  • PHP 5.0 or higher
  • CURL must be enabled
  • The wp-content/uploads directory needs to be writable by the plugin. This is likely already the case as WordPress stores your media and various other uploads here.


  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > Simple SugarSync
  2. (Optional)Enter the folder path you would like to save the files to on SugarSync.
  3. (Optional) Change the temporary path for files uploaded to your server before being uploaded to SugarSync.
  4. (Required) Enter the file extensions without periods for the files you want to allow users to upload separated by one space.
  5. (Optional) Enter a message you want displayed after the user uploads a file.
  6. Choose whether or not to display upload form again after the first file has been uploaded to SugarSync.
  7. Choose whether or not to delete the file located on your server after it has been uploaded to SugarSync.
  8. Click Save options.
  9. Create a Page, Post or Widget to insert the shortcode into.
  10. Insert [simple-wp-sugarsync] where you would like the form to display.
  11. Click Save or Publish.
  12. Visit the location to confirm everything is working properly.

To-do list

  • Add ability to append uploaders username to file name/folder path
  • Add ability to control file upload size
  • Add ability to limit the number of submissions per user/day
  • Restyle admin interface


  • <p>Before a file is uploaded by user.</p>
  • <p>After a file is uploaded by user.</p>


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