Simple Update Simple Update

Simple Update

Created by: Mario Dabek, Flowpress

Downloaded: 591 times

Simple Update is the perfect plugin for any WordPress user that needs an easier way to update content on a post or page without having to search through the text and HTML.

With this plugin you can easily create shortcuts for headers, sub-headers, paragraphs, quotes, stats, and more.

The Simple Update plugin is perfect for: Bloggers, writers, journalists, and reporters Marketers, content managers, and content creators Website owners

On your post or page highlight your headers, sub-headers, and any other text you may need to update in the future. Next, click on the “Simple Update” button in your WordPress Editor Toolbar. You’ll be asked to give your shortcut a name and once you do, the simple-to-update shortcut will appear below your WordPress Editor. When you need to update a piece of your content, simply update the Simple Update field that’s created at the bottom of your Editor.


  • Select your text that your want to create a shortcut for
  • Click the SimpleUpdate button from the Toolbar, and add your shortcut title
  • Now update your text from the Simple Update Meta Box below the editor
  • New feature allows you to hide the editor, to simplify content updates
  • This makes the edit screen a lot cleaner.


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