Simple youtube search include by gopsdepth Simple youtube search include by gopsdepth

Simple youtube search include by gopsdepth

Created by: gopsdepth

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Simple youtube search include plug-in is a short-code plug-in that will help you add youtube video with search terms.

How to use

At Version 1.0.0, I have 2 ways you can choose.

  1. Simple to use, you just add this short-code [f2c_youtube_inc s=”search terms” static=”no”] *** ‘s’ attribute is required attribute.* *** ‘static=”no”‘ value will force plugin don’t update a youtube video on your post, that’s mean it will be get new one every time.

  2. Use F2C Youtube buttons to add short-code.


s => search terms. Required. eg. s=”batman return”

static => indicate a static youtube video. Set “no” only for non-static youtube video. Default is ‘yes’. eg. static=”no”

output => indicate an output. “shortcode” is youtube video or “url” is link string. Default is ‘shortcode’. eg. output=”url”

How it works

The plug-in will get your search terms form “s” attribute and send them to youtube search page then it retrieves first video link in search list. After it get the link, it will create a wordpress youtube short-code so you can use wordpress youtube short-code attributes such as width, height, etc.

When your user see a content of post, plug-in will update your post with static youtube video embed tag.


  • Place short-code following a screen shot.
  • Youtube video will automatically show without indicating a url.
  • You can use static and none-static button to add short-code. If you select a text then click button, that text will become search-term automatically.


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