Site Health Manager Site Health Manager

Site Health Manager

Created by: Rami Yushuvaev

Downloaded: 3k times

Make sure your health score is correct by running only the tests relevant to your server configuration. Take some protective measures to keep your critical server data hidden and secure.

Status Manager

Site Health Status screen generates a health score based on tests it runs on the server, but some tests may not be relevant to your server setup. This may cause a low health score, unhappy site owners, and complaints for web hosts.

Select the test you want to disable in order to prevent displaying the wrong health score in your Site Health Status screen. For example, missing PHP extensions for security reasons or disabled background updates to allow version control.

Info Manager

Site Health Info screen displays configuration data and debugging information. Some data in this screen is confidential and sharing critical server data should be done with caution and with security in mind.

Select what information you want to disable in order to prevent your users from copying it to the clipboard when sharing debug data with third parties. For example, when sending data to plugin/theme developers to debug issues.


If you want to contribute, visit Site Health Manager GitHub Repository and see where you can help.

You can also help by translating the plugin to your language via


  • Site Health Manager - status manager screen.
  • Site Health Manager - info manager screen.
  • Site Health Status - perfect score based on server configuration.
  • Site Health Info - the information you disabled is not displayed here.


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