Site Search ONE WordPress Plugin provides a ‘no-code’ solution for professional search of Posts & Pages (up to 40,000 pages/posts). Facets & Filters use WordPress Categories, Tags & Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) let site visitors’ ‘drill-down’ the search results. Sortable search results with highlighted hits-in-context on a snippet of surrounding text. Stemming, WordNet synonyms, Soundex.

Site Search ONE plugin is free and open source, it requires connection to a dtSearch Engine REST API search-as-a-service. Sign up at for a free 30-day trial.

  • Multiple Search Pages each using a separate index
  • Search bar Widget with filter and index drop down list, optional synonym and stemming radio buttons, background & text color selection, radius adjust.
  • Faceted Search based on WordPress Categories, sub-categories and Tags or PODS Custom Taxonomies or ACF True/False fields with Custom UI Text.
  • Filters on Custom Fields based on WordPress Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields (ACF Plugin – text, date or select field types)
  • Wildcards in any positions, single character (?), multiple character (*) or numeric (=)
  • Soundex matching
  • Stemming (English or alternative on request)
  • WordNet Synonyms
  • Nested Boolean search
  • Natural Language search options (Exact phrase, All Words, Any Words)
  • Proximity and Directed Proximity search
  • Support for WP Dark Mode plugin
  • Translation ready

Premium add-on features
* Indexing of attached or unattached files (PDF, images, etc) in the Media Library, compatible with WP Media Category Management (WP MCM) and Media Library Assistant (MLA) plugins.
* User defined synonyms, using User Thesaurus Plus editor
* Integration with WP Site Insights and MWT:Search Analytics plugins.



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