siteselector siteselector


Created by: scideas software

Downloaded: 907 times

  • Find domain name suggestions based on keywords
  • Find out which suggestions are available, registered and in use
  • See an image of each possible competitor site found
  • Click through to register any suggested domains
  • Configure the number of alternatives for each keyword (paid only)
  • Edit the suffix list to search for any domain ending (paid only)
  • Search in your WP admin
  • Make available to your users via a simple shortcode
  • siteselector plugin comes with 15 free credits to allow admins to assess it
  • When credits reach zero siteselector will continue to work at reduced capacity
  • Use the Buy Credits button to purchase credits for your installation using PayPal
  • Without credits domain endings cannot be chosen and only one alternative per keyword is used
  • After purchase your plugin installation will be automatically credited with your purchase
  • Choose from a range of credit amounts: the more you buy the cheaper they are !
  • Paid users receive an email reminder when credits are getting low


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png
  • screenshot-4.png
  • screenshot-5.png


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