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SIWECOS is a free security scanning service trying to help website owners making there site more secure. In order to do so, SIWECOS utilizes a total of 5 scanners checking several different areas of your site.:
– HTTP-Header Scanner: ensuring that your server tells the browser to enable additional security features
– TLS Scanner: checks your HTTPS encryption for known issues, broken chains-of-trust, outdated certificates etc
– Info Leak Scanner: checks if your sites exposes security relevant information (used WordPress version, plaintext emails)
– DOMXSS Scanner: verifies that your site is protected against so called DOMXSS attacks
– Initiative-S Scanner: utilizes the scanning technology of the free service to check for malware in your websites source code

This plugin makes it much easier to use WordPress with SIWECOS by providing two main features:
– Easier onboarding: the verification handshake with SIWECOS is automated by the plugin, no need to upload specially named files
– Direct access to results: you\’ll get access to your current SIWECOS score right from the backend of your WordPress site

Please note:
The actual scanning functionality is done by, this plugin retrieves result data from this service – the plugin itself is not able to work without the data fetched from the service.
You can find the service’s general terms and conditions here:
SIWECOS’ privacy policy is found here:



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