Slidr is a clean, simple, responsive and touch-friendly multi-purpose Carousel. It takes a different approach than most other carousel plugins on that it displays posts or custom posts instead of just gallery photos (but it can show gallery photos as well if you like). Its goal is to be as flexible as possible, allowing you to fully customize its appearance via CSS and override the default HTML output. You can even use it as a “vessel” to display your custom loops which could, practically, contain any content you like, from YouTube videos and Google Maps to Instagram feeds and Tweets!

View the demo | Custom loop demos


  • Responsive.
  • Touch friendly.
  • Can accept variable width – fixed height images.
  • You can call it via a shortcode on posts, pages and widgets.
  • You can use it instead of the default WordPress gallery. No need to mess with shortcodes – just enable “Slidr for Gallery” and start creating galleries as usual, the WordPress way!
  • Supports cycling items (when at the end, clicking “next” loads the first item and so on, simulating a circular move).
  • Autoscroll support.
  • Customizable queries with more than a dozen of parameters. You can adjust the post type, number of entries, thumbnail size, order and many more.
  • You can have different carousels with different queries and different parameters on a single page.
  • You can call it conditionally, to load scripts and styles only when needed.
  • It can display entries without photos. For example, you can show the titles and excerpts of your recent posts (or custom posts) and style them however you like.
  • Using a special function you can override the text output for each item. For example, instead of the item’s title and excerpt you can show an icon, some static text or something else.
  • You can add your custom class on each shortcode, to style each carousel differently.
  • If you are a theme developer, you can pass your own default values through your theme’s functions.php for “Slidr for Gallery” option.
  • Works on every recent version of all popular browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari) and it even supports Internet Explorer 8.
  • A custom loop function allows you to use the carousel with your custom loops. That way you can practically use it to display any content you like (videos, content from feeds etc). View demos


  • The default style of the Carousel, used in the TwentyFifteen theme (that's what you get with no customization at all, just by adding [slidr] in a post/page)
  • The plugin's Settings main page
  • Managing the default settings
  • The documentation tab


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