Store Locator Plus® | Extended Data Manager

Created by: DeBAAT

Downloaded: 923 times

SLP | Location and Directory SaaS| WordPress Plugins | Documentation | Demo

SLP Extended Data Manager is an add-on pack for Store Locator Plus that lets admin manage the extended data settings.
Add new data fields to the Store Locator Plus locations or manage the interaction with data fields added by other SLP add-on packs.

Basic Features

  • Show an overview of extended data elements on the General Settings page
  • Show the following options to extended data elements:
  • Show (default = ‘true’)
  • Order (default = ”)

Pro Features

  • Add new extended data elements on the General Settings page
  • Manage extended data elements options on the General Settings page
  • Filter to only show selected extended data elements on the locations overview
  • Order the extended data elements on the locations overview



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