Smart Recent Comments Smart Recent Comments

Smart Recent Comments

Created by: Justin Saad

Downloaded: 999 times

When you set up a new blog there aren’t any comments to start off with–it takes time until you get your first real person to participate in the discussion. When you use the default ‘recent comments’ widget in WordPress you are left with a ‘recent comments’ title in your sidebar and no comments listed under it. This plugin will replace that recent comments widget with a smarter one. The recent comments widget in your sidebar will not show until you start getting comments. Once you get your first comment, the widget will automatically appear so you can show off your latest comments. In all other ways this is exactly the same as the default WordPress recent comments widget. There is no configuration required with this plugin so once you install it you are good to go.


This short screencast demonstrates how to use the Smart Recent Comments plugin. View it here.


  • The problem: Default behavior of WordPress recent comments widget when there are no comments to show


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